14.454180, -17.045693
Ollivier Girard is a documentary photographer specialized in global development issues for social enterprises and NGOs. Born in France, he studied social work and worked in youth centers and international relief efforts in Guinea, Sierra Leone and the DRC before pursuing photography professionally in 2006.
As photography can play an important role in shifting perceptions and mobilizing opinions for advocacy, action and fundraising, Ollivier helps his clients build customized image libraries, develop photo content for reports, promotional materials and educational campaigns and craft compelling multimedia to tell their stories. His images express social realities using a visual language that combines the narrative depth of documentary storytelling and the aesthetic sensibilities of fine art.
With over 20 years of experience producing high end photography, editorial, advocacy and promotional material (magazines, brochures, media and donor toolkits, annual reports, billboards, calendars, etc), Ollivier has expertise on how to combine powerful imagery and sensitive storytelling to bring visibility to humanitarian, development and corporate social responsibility activities around the world.
“My background in international development gives me a unique voice in crafting visual narratives through compelling and dignified images.”
14.454180, -17.045693
Communications consultant specializing in global development issues for social enterprises and NGOs.
Ollivier Girard is a documentary photographer specialized in global development issues for social enterprises and NGOs. Born in France, he studied social work and worked in youth centers and international relief efforts in Guinea, Sierra Leone and the DRC before pursuing photography professionally in 2006.
As photography can play an important role in shifting perceptions and mobilizing opinions for advocacy, action and fundraising, Ollivier helps his clients build customized image libraries, develop photo content for reports, promotional materials and educational campaigns and craft compelling multimedia to tell their stories. His images express social realities using a visual language that combines the narrative depth of documentary storytelling and the aesthetic sensibilities of fine art.
With over 20 years of experience producing high end photography, editorial, advocacy and promotional material (magazines, brochures, media and donor toolkits, annual reports, billboards, calendars, etc), Ollivier has expertise on how to combine powerful imagery and sensitive storytelling to bring visibility to humanitarian, development and corporate social responsibility activities around the world.
“My background in international development gives me a unique voice in crafting visual narratives through compelling and dignified images.”
SERVICES : Art Direction / Photography / Video Editing / Graphic Design / Visual Identity / Brand Strategy / Content Creation / Concept Development / Catalogs / Infographics / Editorial Design / Copy Editing / Web Design / Print Production / Printing / Packaging Design / Photoshoots / Layout / Training on Visual Communications and Photography
CLIENTS : USAID - WTO/EIF World Trade Organization - ECHO European Union - World Bank - Danish Institute for Human Right – MENCH Germany – UNFOUNDATION - Wild Africa. Conservation - ACTA - ICRC/CICR - GAVI- CARE - AFD Agence Française de Développement - Terre des hommes, Geneva – Gates Foundation – Chemonics - BuzzFeedNews – Story Hunter – Secours Islamique France - Kenyon College - University of Virginia - American Red Cross – WHO, World Health Organization – LWR, Lutheran World Federation - Johanniter International Assistance – University of Massachusetts - Johns Hopkins Hospital - The Arc of Baltimore - Pratt Library - Jewishweek, Washington DC - Wesleyan University - University of Maryland Medical Center - Baltimore Museum of Art - CIFOR - Freedom From Hunger - Washington Post – GIZ - PLAN International - Millenium Promise – UNICEF (Burkina Faso, Niger) - PSI - Fitima Foundation, Handicap Solidaire - Diakonia, UNFPA/SWEDD (Dakar, Chad, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Niger) - The Guardian - Save The Children - TFO Canada Trade for Developing Countries
Here I have tried to collate the most common questions I get asked. If you have anything specific you want to ask though, please do get in contact.
It’s as simple as sending me an email and starting the conversation. It’s always helpful to get an overview of what you are after; what outcomes and deliverables you need and a timeframe. Obviously it’s good for you to know what budget you have available to allocate to the project. But generally ping me an email or give me a call and we take things from there. If it’s all new to you, I can help by sending you a short questionnaire that helps us build up a brief for the job.
There’s are many paths into becoming a photographer, my path might not be super relevant to your path. For me it was starting on small commissions and working up from there. I have shot many aspects in photography starting with events and weddings, to newspaper and magazine photography and now global advertising campaigns. You have to remember that a photography career is a marathon not a sprint, and everyone has their own trajectory. Generally getting a background, as I did, working for small magazines and newspaper is a good way to become an ‘all rounder’ as you become used to thinking on your feet a reacting fast to changing situations. But whatever aspect of photography you are interested in there is so much more to it than just taking pictures and that is where life experience is so useful. My journey is probably less relevant these days as the landscape has changed. There are apps, techniques, programmes, cultural movement’s etc etc that weren’t around when I started – so one has to forge their own path. The one thing I would say is the only way you will improve is by going out and taking pictures relentlessly.
I currently do not offer any full time positions for an assistant but I am always open to meeting new people that feel they having something to offer. I like to build relationships with my assistants so that there is trust, and that takes time. There are plenty of amazingly talented assistants and young photographers out there that I will never get to work with – so if approaching a photographer to assist doesn’t work out, don’t feel down heartened, a lot of it comes down simply to luck; right place at the right time.
Leica M11 - Leica SL3 - Leica SL 24-90mm f/2.8-4 ASPH - Lunix 50 mm f/1.8 - Hasselblad 503cw - Hasselblad 907x 50c - Godox AD 300 pro - Godox AD600 Pro - Godox AD100 x2- Godox V1 Flash x5 - Godox Softbox (47”) x3 -
I tend to use a mix depending on the assignment, commission or camera system. For more journalistic based assignments where captions are important I have found Photo Mechanic is a good piece of software. Camera Raw and Adobe Photoshop are programmes I have used for nearly two decades. On commercial jobs or contained projects I tend to use Capture One
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