PORTRAITS are about people and what they do with their lives. They are about the kind of house a person lives in and how they decorate it; about what kind of work they do and where they do it; about the surroundings they choose and the things they surround themselves with.
Commissioned by UN, NGO’s, Magazines
UNICEF NIGER Visibility Items 2021
Creative Direction + Production + Photography by Ollivier Girard Creative Direction + Graphic design by Grace Leong
UNICEF Niger called upon the services of Sahel Collective to develop an artistic photography project that was inspired by ninspired by children’s dreams.
Based on the photostaken, we designed Visibility Materials for UNICEF Niger for 2021, which included a wall calendar, desk calendar, diary, greeting cards, and notepad.
The project was realized from concept to completion, and involved strategy, casting, costume design, set design, photography, creative direction, graphic design and layout, and print production.
Commissioned by UNICEF
Creative Direction + Production + Photography by Ollivier Girard Creative Direction + Graphic design by Grace Leong
UNICEF Niger called upon the services of Sahel Collective to develop an artistic photography project that was inspired by ninspired by children’s dreams.
Based on the photostaken, we designed Visibility Materials for UNICEF Niger for 2021, which included a wall calendar, desk calendar, diary, greeting cards, and notepad.
The project was realized from concept to completion, and involved strategy, casting, costume design, set design, photography, creative direction, graphic design and layout, and print production.
Commissioned by UNICEF

ICRC Migration - Thousands of young sub-Saharan Africans come to Niger in an attempt to cross north to Libya or Algeria, with the ambition of migrating to Europe in search of a better life. The reality is that many never reach their destination. Some are trapped in ghettos for lack of financial means, while others perish in the desert. Or they are abused by smugglers, or robbed by criminals of all kinds operating in this northern part of the country. By chance or miracle, a truck or military patrol finds them alone in the desert.
Commissioned by ICRC

CAMPUS / UNIVERSITY - Series of photos on universities in the USA - Work carried out to promote universities and their activities- Photos for websites and various publications such as brochures, reports, etc.
Commissioned by Kenyon College - University of Virginia – University of Massachusetts - Johns Hopkins Hospital - The Arc of Baltimore - Pratt Library - Wesleyan University - University of Maryland Medical Center - Baltimore Museum of Art
is standing tall for West African giraffes in daring translocation mission
Four West African giraffes were captured by experts in the security stricken “Giraffe Zone” in Kouré and embarked on a journey to their new home in the Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve in Niger. In a daring 48 hour mission, they travelled over 800 kilometres to join the first group of giraffes that were re-introduced in the reserve in 2018 after a 50-year absence.
Commissioned by Wild Africa Conservation
Four West African giraffes were captured by experts in the security stricken “Giraffe Zone” in Kouré and embarked on a journey to their new home in the Gadabedji Biosphere Reserve in Niger. In a daring 48 hour mission, they travelled over 800 kilometres to join the first group of giraffes that were re-introduced in the reserve in 2018 after a 50-year absence.
Commissioned by Wild Africa Conservation
Discover the contemporary design of our upscale Noom Hotel Niamey. The ideal base for travellers visiting Niger.
With its unique architecture, refined design furniture and African art decor, poolside bar, stylish lobbies, African and international restaurant and fitness centre, NOOM is an elegant and exclusive oasis for soothing the senses after a busy day of work or play.
With 141 designer rooms, 6 prestige suites and spacious social areas, Noom has something to suit every need.
Commissioned by NOOM
Discover the contemporary design of our upscale Noom Hotel Niamey. The ideal base for travellers visiting Niger.
With its unique architecture, refined design furniture and African art decor, poolside bar, stylish lobbies, African and international restaurant and fitness centre, NOOM is an elegant and exclusive oasis for soothing the senses after a busy day of work or play.
With 141 designer rooms, 6 prestige suites and spacious social areas, Noom has something to suit every need.
Commissioned by NOOM

The "Miss Education" competition brings together candidates from all 8 regions of Niger, and each year rewards female students who have completed higher-level education. This program was set up to encourage Nigerien talent and contribute to community development.
Commissioned by UNFPA (United Nations Populations Fund)
VIDEO : Niger's education system is in a critical state. This is the conclusion reached by the government and its technical and financial partners during the mid-term evaluation of the sectoral program (PSEF). The majority of children completing a cycle of study do not master the expected competencies in French and mathematics (source: PSEF mid-term evaluation). In line with the approach adopted by Niger, the LIRE program of the International Development Association (IDA)-World Bank Group aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning conditions in selected regions, and to strengthen the planning and management of the education system.
Commissioned by WorldBank
Commissioned by WorldBank

UNFPA/SWEDD - Despite the efforts of the authorities and partners, the rate of child marriage in Niger has barely changed in 20 years. according to the DHS Niger-mics 2012 survey, 76% of women aged 20 to 24 were married before the age of 18. the median age of marriage for girls (15 years old) is around nine years earlier than that for boys due to social, cultural and economic reasons.
Commissioned by UNFPA (United Nations Populations Fund)
Photo shoot on Fair Trade for artisans, Ouagadougou - TFO's mission is to improve living conditions by creating sustainable business partnerships with Canadian and foreign buyers for exporters in developing countries.
Commissioned by TFO Canada
Commissioned by TFO Canada
Eight years of violence and armed conflict have taken a heavy toll on the border of south Libya and north Niger. Its economy in the region is in crisis, crime rate is high and basic services such as health care, schools, electricity and water are suffering. Here are the stories of these survivors.
Commissioned by CICR
Eight years of violence and armed conflict have taken a heavy toll on the border of south Libya and north Niger. Its economy in the region is in crisis, crime rate is high and basic services such as health care, schools, electricity and water are suffering. Here are the stories of these survivors.
Commissioned by CICR

Play is also a privileged time of observation to identify children in psychological distress. A game is magic: it is a universal language. It allows the child to say many things without speaking. A child is never equipped to face a war or a natural disaster. He needs psychosocial assistance to move forward. He can get it from his parents, but also from support by these animators.
Commissioned by terre des hommes, Geneva

Ursula Fitness sports coach. Serie of photos to illustrate and promote her activity.
Commissioned by Ursula Fitness
The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) is the only multilateral partnership dedicated to assisting least developed countries (LDCs) use trade as an engine for growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction.
These few photos retrace these different projects
Commissioned by Enhanced Integrated Framework
WITH AN OPEN HEART - Au Sénégal beaucoup de familles
n’ont pas accès aux soins. Mais un pas important vient d’être fait pour que des
enfants malades du cœur puissent être pris en charge sur place. Le premier
centre de chirurgie cardiaque pédiatrique a été inauguré en 2017. Dans ce pays,
tdh poursuit deux buts principaux : faciliter l’accès aux soins spécialisés sur
place et assurer les transferts des cas complexes d’enfants atteints de
cardiopathie vers l’Europe.
Commissioned by Terre des hommes, suisse
Commissioned by Terre des hommes, suisse